Since February 2019 the first hybrid closed-loop insulin pump, the Medtronic MiniMed 670G system, has been offered to people with type 1 diabetes in Belgium. Despite previous studies, the impact of these new kinds of insulin pumps on glycemic control and patient-reported outcomes (PROMs) is still unclear. Therefore, this study will evaluate the impact of the Medtronic MiniMed 670G, Medtronic MiniMed 780G and Tandem Control-IQ systems on glycemic control and PROMs in people living with type 1 diabetes under real-life conditions. In a multicenter real-world observational study, 350 adults and 100 children with type 1 diabetes who are treated with each of these systems in one of 17 Belgian centers, will be followed for a period of 24 months. The primary endpoint is the evolution of time spent in range (defined as a sensor glucose value between 70 and 180 mg/dL) from before start to 12 months after start of hybrid closed-loop therapy.
Since not much is known about the impact of hybrid closed-loop on partners of adults living with type 1 diabetes, an optional substudy (INRANGE-PARTNER) will be performed investigating the quality of life in partners of adults of type 1 diabetes using hybrid closed-loop therapy. More specifically, the substudy will compare the quality of life of partners of type 1 diabetes patients both before and after implementation of hybrid closed-loop therapy.
Inclusion Criteria:
- patients with type 1 diabetes
- patients aged 6 years or older
- patients starting with hybrid closed-loop therapy (as part of routine clinical practice) in one of the 17 participating centers. Note: the decision about which patient to start, is left to the clinical judgement of the treating health care professional.
- patients who signed informed consent
Exclusion Criteria:
- patients without type 1 diabetes
- patients under 6 years of age
- patients not starting with hybrid closed-loop therapy in one of the 17 participating centers
- patients who did not sign informed consent