This study wants to evaluate whether MLC901 will help improve the condition of adult patients with moderate traumatic brain injury.
This is a double blind placebo controlled randomized trial to determine whether giving MLC901 for 6 months will improve the outcomes in a adult patients with moderate traumatic brain injury.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age 18-65 years
- Moderate TBI
- Presenting at the study site within 7 days of injury
- Participant or his/her legal representative able to comply with the study protocol and willing to provide written informed consent
Exclusion Criteria:
- Penetrating HI
- Co-existing severe or unstable injury
- Physician's medical judgment that surgical intervention is likely within the next 48 hours
- Physician's medical judgment that participation is not in the participant's best interest
- Pre-injury mRS>2
- Pregnancy
- Inability to take study drug orally or via NGT
- Participation in another investigational drug study
- Intake of nootropic drugs which are not standard TBI medications