The registry is an international, multicenter, non-randomized, non-invasive study to assess the safety, performance and usability of the Occlutech Accessories "Occlutech Delivery Set (ODS), Occlutech Pistol Pusher (OPP), Occlutech Occlusions-Pusher (OOP) and Occlutech Sizing Balloon (OSB)" used for implantation procedures (catheter-based interventions) of cardiac implants via completing surveys (questionnaires) for the accessory medical devices by the investigators.
The registry is an international, multicenter, non-randomized, non-invasive study to assess the safety, performance and usability of the Occlutech Accessories "Occlutech Delivery Set (ODS), Occlutech Pistol Pusher (OPP), Occlutech Occlusions-Pusher (OOP) and Occlutech Sizing Balloon (OSB)" used for implantation procedures (catheter-based interventions) of cardiac implants via completing surveys (questionnaires) for the accessory medical devices by the investigators.
A survey (questionnaire) of each accessory medical device should be completed by investigator in order to assess safety of the accessory by success of implantation procedure, occurrence of adverse events during implantation procedure or as late term effects resulting from implantation procedure, user harm related to the accessory, procedure, reported device deficiencies related to the accessory. The Surveys (questionnaires) also include questions related to performance, usability and compatibility with devices and other accessories. Subjects should be treated according to instructions-for-use of the implants and accessories and according to clinical routine. The devices must have been used exclusively by physicians who are experienced in cardiac catheterization techniques and who are experienced in using the products in the process of interventional operations.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Inclusion Criteria depend exclusively on the requirements outlined in the applicable Instruction for Use for accessory medical devices and cardiac implant devices.
All subjects who underwent implantation procedure with an Occlutech accessory medical device and cardiac implants can be included Exclusion Criteria: - Exclusion Criteria depend exclusively on the requirements outlined in the applicable Instruction for Use and if applicable in the corresponding protocol of the investigation on the Occlutech implant devices.