Various treatment options exist for patients with platinum-sensitive relapsed epithelial ovarian cancer (ROC).
The register will provide an overview of chosen treatments including the reasons, why these options were chosen.
Patients at their first platinum-sensitive ROC will be invited to participate in the register.
These are all patients with recurrent disease 6 or more months after the last cycle of platinum containing chemotherapy.
The Observation Period will begin by signing the Informed Consent Form (ICF) and will continue for up to a total of 24 months (+/- 4 weeks) after the diagnosis of the first relapse or until patient discontinuation for any reason, or patient's death.
Data on First Study Visit, Subsequent Recurrence during Observation Period and Last Observation will be collected in the electronic Case Report Form (eCRF).
The register will identify symptoms and factors that led to the diagnosis, chosen therapy and the reason for choosing the therapy. At inclusion, data on general patient information, primary diagnosis, previous therapy, and tumor characteristics are collected. During the course of observation data on systemic and maintenance treatments, radiotherapies, surgeries, and outcome are documented.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Women aged 18 years or older
- Presence of first platinum-sensitive ROC (ovarian, peritoneal and/or fallopian tube cancer)
- Must have received at least 4 cycles of chemotherapy during primary therapy
- At time of inclusion a treatment for ROC must be planned
- Patients must not have more than 1 prior line of chemotherapy
- Signed informed consent
Exclusion Criteria:
- No knowledge of spoken and written German
- Signed informed consent is not given