This is a multicenter, randomized, placebo- and active-controlled, parallel-group, 24-week trial to investigate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of XXB750 in participants with HFrEF/HFmrEF.
Eligible participants will be randomized to receive either subcutaneous (s.c.) XXB750 or placebo; or sacubitril/valsartan for 16 weeks, and then followed-up for 8 weeks
Inclusion Criteria:
- Current symptom(s) of HF NYHA class II-III and LVEF < 50%
- Elevated NT-proBNP levels at screening.
- Receiving standard of care background HF therapy.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Current acute decompensated HF or hospitalization for HF within 3 months prior to screening.
- Current symptomatic hypotension (for example dizziness/presyncope).
- K+ > 5.4 mmol/L at screening
- eGFR < 30 mL/min/1.73m2 at screening
Other protocol-specific criteria may apply.