
LimPrOn: Limburg Pre-eclampsia Investigation

18 - 50 years of age
Phase N/A

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Multiple adaptations at the cardiovascular system occurs during pregnancy. In the pregnancy condition pre-eclampsia (PE), this adaptations are abnormal. Five to eight percent of all pregnant women worldwide will develop PE.

PE is a pregnancy condition which is characterized with a high blood pressure (>140/90 mm Hg) and the occurrence of proteinuria (>3g/dl/24h) after 20 weeks of gestation. When untreated, this condition can have severe complications for both mother and child. It's important to monitor women with a high risk for developing PE for an early detection and treatment of this condition.

For this reason, a multicenter study is set up with the following applications:

  1. NICCOMO and Maternal Venous Doppler Echography: impedance cardiograph and an echography of the heart and veins.
  2. Maltron: bio-electronic impedance analyze
  3. Remote monitoring of the high risk patients to become a more intensive follow-up

Number of inclusions: 2000 pregnant women from the prenatal consultations of eight different



Inclusion Criteria:

  • > 10 weeks of pregnancy, primipara and multipara

Exclusion Criteria:

  • < 10 weeks of pregnancy and congenital malformations of the fetus

Study details

Pregnancy, Pre-eclampsia


Hasselt University

14 April 2024

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  • You can expect the study team to contact you via email or phone in the next few days.
  • Sign up as volunteer  to help accelerate the development of new treatments and to get notified about similar trials.

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What is a clinical trial?

A clinical trial is a study designed to test specific interventions or treatments' effectiveness and safety, paving the way for new, innovative healthcare solutions.

Why should I take part in a clinical trial?

Participating in a clinical trial provides early access to potentially effective treatments and directly contributes to the healthcare advancements that benefit us all.

How long does a clinical trial take place?

The duration of clinical trials varies. Some trials last weeks, some years, depending on the phase and intention of the trial.

Do I get compensated for taking part in clinical trials?

Compensation varies per trial. Some offer payment or reimbursement for time and travel, while others may not.

How safe are clinical trials?

Clinical trials follow strict ethical guidelines and protocols to safeguard participants' health. They are closely monitored and safety reviewed regularly.
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