As the survival of children with retinoblastoma in high income countries is higher than 95% including the bilateral forms this study hopes to improve the outcome in low income countries in Africa by improving early diagnosis and early implementation of this protocol of therapeutic recommendations for treatment.
In this study we will try to improve the outcome for children with stage II disease. It is hoped that we will be able to show that with early intervention correct early diagnosis the survival of these children is greatly improved. The collection of data in this observational study will allow us to show this improvement, by analysis of stage, treatment and outcome.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Unilateral intraocular Retinoblastoma (RB)
- Unilateral extraocular intraorbital (RB)
- Bilateral intraocular (RB)
- bilateral intraocular (RB) on one side and extraocular but intraorbital on the other side.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Externalized tumor mass
- massive extension to optic nerve up to optical channeltumor
- intracranial extension leptomeninges
- cerebral parenchyma
- extension to regional lymph nodes and/or remote metastases.
- cerebrospinal fluid involvement.
- Trilateral RB
- Incapacity to followed the whole treatement.