The primary purpose of The PCOS Challenge Study will be to conduct high-quality research where patients are included in the design, and answering the questions that patients identify as important to their lived experience with PCOS. In partnership with clinical investigators, patients will work on the development and management of data collection, the research agenda, and the sharing of research findings. The PCOSC Study will promote the advancement of research that provides reliable, useful, and meaningful information to patients with PCOS and their clinicians.
The population for The PCOS Challenge Study will include individuals with a clinical diagnosis of PCOS, individuals self-diagnosed with PCOS, individuals with symptoms of PCOS (e.g., hirsutism, irregular menstrual cycles), and demographic-matched controls without PCOS.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Diagnosed with PCOS by a health professional, self-diagnosed with PCOS or individuals with PCOS symptoms
- Willing to sign the consent form
- Able to understand the registry surveys or what is being asked
Exclusion Criteria:
- Unable to understand the surveys or what is being asked
- Unwilling to sign the consent form