This observational study aims to assess kidney function through direct glomerular filtration rate (GFR) using iohexol clearance, compared to estimated GFR based on creatinine and cystatin C equations. Kidney function will also be evaluated through renal fibrosis biomarkers. Kidney function will be correlated to body composition, muscle turnover biomarkers, and bone micro-architecture.
The investigators developed a post-ICU clinic where complications of the post-intensive care syndrome are detected. Muscle function is assessed by clinical testings, muscle strength measurement. Body composition is measured by electrical bioimpedance. Bone mass is assessed using dual-energy radiographic absorptiometry.
It is well known that ICU survivors experience a loss of muscle mass. This can lead to misinterpretation of estimated GFR based on creatinine equations.
The aim of the present study is to assess the evolution of kidney function after a prolonged stay in ICU, using GFR equations based on cystatin C, and to compare it to measured GFR using iohexol clearance.
The second aim is to explore the evolution of bone and muscle health in these patients.
Inclusion Criteria:
- patients surviving an ICU stay of at least 7 days
- patients who experienced acute kidney injury (KDIGO criteria) during ICU stay
Exclusion Criteria:
- chronic kidney injury with dedicated follow-up before ICU admission
- chronic extrarenal epuration
- kidney transplant
- allergy to iohexol
- iodinated contrast allergy
- refusal