Diastasis recti abdominis (DRA) is defined as the presence of divergence between the rectus abdominis muscles along the linea alba. DRA is associated with decreased abdominal strength and degraded health and physical functioning, which results in poorer body perception and satisfaction and negatively affects the quality of life in its multiple spheres (social, sexual and personal). Regarding the different treatment techniques for DRA, different treatments have been described, such as bandages, electrotherapy or therapeutic exercise, the latter being the most scientifically supported option to approach DRA conservatively. Exercise has shown positive effects on DRA severity, abdominal muscle thickness, abdominal strength and endurance, and quality of life in women with DRA.
Another treatment that has shown promising effects in various pathologies is radiofrequency diathermy using the Capacitive-Resistive Electrical Transfer system. The capacitive mode acts on soft tissues containing electrolytes such as muscles and vascular and lymphatic tissues. On the other hand, the resistive mode acts on tissues of higher density and fat and fiber content, such as bones, ligaments and tendons. It has been documented that this type of therapy acts favoring the vascularization of tissues, decreasing inflammation and favoring the processes of cellular repair and analgesia. Its beneficial effect on low back pain and various pelvic floor disorders has been studied. However, at present, there are no studies evaluating the effectiveness of this type of intervention in people with abdominal diastasis.
In view of the above, the objective of our study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a protocol based on therapeutic exercise preceded by a radiofrequency diathermy program on anthropometric parameters, anatomo-physiological parameters, functional parameters, and parameters related to psychological aspects in women with postpartum abdominal diastasis.
A longitudinal randomized controlled experimental study will be carried out. The sample will be composed of 34 postpartum women, randomly distributed in two groups: i) diathermy + exercise group (GDE) (n=17), and ii) placebo diathermy + exercise group (GPE) (n=17).
The evaluations will be performed at two time points: i) before the intervention (T1), and ii) after the last session (T2).
Inclusion Criteria:
- Women aged 18 to 45 years,
- 3 to 24 months postpartum
- Criteria of abdominal diastasis according to Beer's criteria (Beer et al.2009)
Exclusion Criteria:
- Rejection to sign the informed consent form
- Presence of any metabolic, neurological or connective tissue disease, as well as cognitive alterations.