Recently, few studies have attempted to test the regenerative effects of human insulin application by microneedling on atrophic scars versus other topical preparations. However, the scars were limited etiologically to acne scars. In addition, a lack of inclusion of a control group instead of comparing topical preparations with insulin was also a limitation to these studies. A control group consisting of microneedling alone would have served as a better comparison in order to determine whether the effects of microneedling are augmented by topical protein-rich preparations.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patients aged 12 to 60 years
- Atrophic scars (traumatic or surgical)
- Completely healed scars
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patients with a tendency or history of hypertrophic or keloidal scars
- Patients who received treatment for their scar in the past 3 months
- Diabetic patients or those with a history of Dysglycemia
- Pregnant, or lactating females
- Patients with active infection at the site of scar
- Patients currently receiving isotretinoin treatment or in the past month