The goal of this qualitative study is to investigate what matters to older people living with frailty, and how this can be measured using questionnaires (Patient Reported Outcome Measures, or "PROMs").
The research questions are:
- What outcomes matter to older adults living with frailty?
- What are participants' perceptions of PROMs that could measure these outcomes?
Our estimated sample will be 15 older adults, approximately 5 people living with mild frailty, 5 living with moderate frailty and 5 living with severe frailty. Participants will take part in one 90-minute interview.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Over the age of 65
- Indication of frailty in one of the following ways:
- Clinical diagnosis of frailty
- Assessment of at least "4" on the Clinical Frailty Scale by a healthcare professional
- Having mental capacity to consent to participate as defined under the Mental Capacity
Act (2005). This will be assessed in the telephone conversation prior to the interview by a researcher who has received Mental Capacity training
- Available to be interviewed by face-to-face interview at the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Exeter Clinical Research Facility or as a home visit, or as an online meeting
Exclusion Criteria:
- Not able to participate in face-to-face interview or use video call technology
- Not assessed as frail
- Not able to express thoughts and opinions in sufficient depth for analysis, even with facilitation by a relative or carer. This will be assessed in the telephone conversation with the researcher prior to the interview.
- Lacking capacity to consent to participate as defined under the Mental Capacity Act
(2005). An individual would be unable to participate if they cannot:
- Understand the information relevant to the decision of participating
- Retain that information
- Use or weigh up that information as part of the process of deciding whether to participate
- Communicate their decision to other people