Durvalumab was approved in the Russian Federation for use after both concurrent and subsequent CRT until disease progression. Currently, there is no real-world data regarding the safety and real world effectiveness of durvalumab in this indication. Moreover, generation data on the safety and real world effectiveness of durvalumab after concurrent chemo-radiation therapy (cCRT) and subsequent chemo-radiation therapy (sCRT) in routine practice in the Russian Federation will be of high relevance.
The other important question that needs to be addressed is the duration of treatment with durvalumab and its' influence on the relevant outcomes. According to the Russian label, it is possible to continue treatment with durvalumab until disease progression, although current data from the PACIFIC trial provide the results on 12 months duration of durvalumab treatment. The real-world data about the duration of treatment with durvalumab in the Russian population and its' influence on various outcomes would be very important.
Among other goals, the current study is aimed to analyze factors influencing the effectiveness of durvalumab therapy in the real-world setting (e.g. duration of treatment, delays in the start of treatment with durvalumab after CRT over, early discontinuation due to any factors including AEs, etc.). The study also aims to elucidate treatment approaches after discontinuation from durvalumab (post-progression outcomes and treatment in case of discontinuation due to AEs). This study will support the understanding of described factors and will take and an attempt to optimize the treatment process to improve outcomes for patients
Inclusion Criteria:
Patients are eligible to be included in the study only if all of the following inclusion criteria and none of the exclusion criteria apply: - Written informed consent obtained from the patient prior to performing any protocol-related procedures - Age ≥18 years at time of study entry - Patients must have histologically or cytologically documented diagnosis of NSCLC with a locally advanced, or locally recurrent, unresectable (stage III) disease (according to American Joint Committee on Cancer [AJCC] lung cancer edition 8) - Patients must have completed a platinum-based chemotherapy with radiation therapy (concurrent or sequential) without evidence of disease progression - Patients must have been treated with at least one dose of durvalumab Exclusion Criteria: Any subject who meets any of the following criteria will not qualify for entry into the study: - Absence or missing of written informed consent form - Patients treated with durvalumab in clinical studies - Absence of essential data to obtain all necessary information - Confirmation that the subject was already included in this study before