The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of a shared decision-making conference and three-week prehabilitation program on the outcome "care dependency" one year after surgery. The cost-effectiveness of the intervention will also be evaluated in this N = 1400 patient, national multicenter, assessor-blinded, randomized, pragmatic, controlled, parallel-group, clinical trial.
The objective of PRÄP-GO is to establish and employ a suitable preoperative case-care management system to improve the short and long-term outcome of elderly surgical patients with signs of a frailty syndrome, improving postoperative quality of life and reducing care dependency by a three-week individualized prehabilitation program.
Study patients:
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age ≥ 70 years
- Consent by Patient or Legal Representative
- Elective surgery planned
- Expected anesthesia duration≥ 60 min
- Statutory health insurance
- Frailty syndrome (≥1 positive out of 5 standardized parameters according to the Physical Frailty Phenotype according to Fried et. al.)
Exclusion Criteria:
- Severe cardiac or pulmonary disease (NYHA IV, Gold IV)
- Intracranial interventions
- Moribund patients (palliative situation)
- Not enough language skills
- Participation in another interventional rehabilitation study or other interventional clinical trial that has not been approved by the study management committee (Exception: Participation in adjuvant intervention study)