The investigators propose a randomized controlled trial of discontinuation versus continuation of annual mass azithromycin distribution in hypoendemic communities of Maradi, Niger. The investigators will randomize communities with up to 20% Trachomatous Inflammation
- Follicular (TF) prevalence following at least 5 years of mass azithromycin distribution to discontinuation or continuation of 3 additional years of annual mass azithromycin distribution.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Provision of appropriate informed consent
- Stated willingness to comply with all study procedures
- Live in one of the 80 communities with up to 20% prevalence of TF selected for the trial
Exclusion Criteria:
- Does not consent to participation
- Unwilling to comply with all study procedures
- Does not live in one of the 80 communities with up to 20% prevalence of TF selected for the trial